In order to submit new data to the database, please download and use the provided template. Submissions must be formatted as a csv (comma separated value) file; most spreadsheet programs have the ability to read and save csv formatted files. After pressing 'continue' you will be brought to a confirmation page that checks for new information to be added, and displays what your additional rows will look like in the database. Please double check all information on the confirmation page before actually submitting-a small issue in the submission can make it hard for us to understand what the values ought to be.
The database stores two types of information: general information about a supernova, and information about a specific flux measurement. It is not necessary to fill out every column in the template for every new piece of additional information. In order to submit information about a supernova not already in the database, the following columns must be filled:
The name of the supernova, using standard designation (e.g. 'SN 1978K'). -
The type of supernova (e.g. 'IIn'). -
Coordinates of the supernova. -
An approximation of when the event occured, in modified julian date (Julian Date-24000000.5). For example, 55927 denotes January 1, 2012. This date may be inexact for older supernovae, please make sure cited paper (dateExplodedRef) explains the source of this date. -
Bibliographic code used for an explosion date citation. The format is the same as that used by harvard adsabs and SIMBAD. As an example, note that for the Schlegal et. al. paper concerning 1978k at, the relevant code is '2004ApJ...603..644S'. -
Distance in megaparsecs. -
Distance citation. -
Redshift. -
Redshift citation. -
The reference from which coordinates of the supernova are found.
IMPORTANT: If this information is already in the database, the general supernova information is not necessary. Instead, all that is required is the name column--in most cases the system will simply not store repeated information if it sees that the information is already recorded in the database. If you would like to report an issue, or submit an update to the information we store, please email us with the details at
In order to add information about a measurement, use the following columns:
Same column as used when adding a new event, the supernova name. Note that this is required for all rows when data is added; see the example file for details. -
Date at which the observation was taken. For observations lasting several days, this is the first date of the observation. -
Date at which an observation ended. Use this only if the observations used in calculating the flux span multiple days. -
Citation for the observation date. -
The instrument used. -
relevant instrument observation identifiers, if multiple observations were used separate entries with ';'. For example, for measurements with chandra obsid 5296 and 5297, this entry should be "5296;5297". -
The exposure time, in ks. -
The count rate, in counts per second. -
The count rate uncertainty, in counts per second. -
The unabsorbed flux measurement, in 10-13ergs cm-2 s-1. If this value is an upper bound, simply have a < in front of the value. See the example for details. -
The lower energy bound used in calculating flux, in KeV. -
The upper energy bound used in calculating flux, in Kev. -
Flux value citation. -
The lower bound uncertainty of the flux measurement, in 10-13ergs cm-2 s-1. -
The upper bound uncertainty of the flux measurement, in 10-13ergs cm-2 s-1. -
The model used for the flux measurement.
Any columns with other titles will be stored as parameters used by the model, and shown as-is in the pop-up table. For example, simply add a 'kT' column at the end of the template if you wish to store information about the kT used in the model. If the value is on the following list, please use the label and units specified; otherwise, make it clear in the column header.
Common model parameters, specification of both labels and units:
Column density, given in 1020 cm-2 -
Temperature, given in KeV
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